I asked an elderly what the labour of our heroes past was:
I can’t see one even in the bright of the sun,
the history of this land stinks of egomania;
a congregation of tongues marched towards me,
& stitched my heart to the brazier.
a poem like this is a bitter pill, should be sugar-coated.
our mouths have become graveyards of agitations,
and to attain the eld in this land,
you have to make your mouth a desert–
let no word rise, if there’s any plenitude,
let it be the sand of your silence.
for whoever raises his tongue against tyranny,
shall be skinned, shall throw up a flood of blood,
shall get his throat stuffed with bones.
freedom of speech is to speak with blades aligned on your lips,
so you’d taint oppression as simple mistakes:
a sick gun rises & throws out its bullet in a man’s skull,
his wife protested & a stray handcuff runs into her wrists.
but lift the fingers of inept, jackal leaders
off this land & behold a vastness of creatives,
a convocation of seedlings ready to rise into iroko,
a feral deft in the legs on soccer field,
a spider adroit at hands on the pages of the world’s book,
the seriosity of their brains dripping innovations & invention.
& even as it’s hard to labour in this land for a tomorrow that grows prairie & meadows,
even as there are canyons covered with grasses,
& going out is a shea butter saying hi to the sun,
there are nightingales ready to pick notes
& call for the greenness & whiteness of this land.
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